Sean Boushie sends another stalking intimidating email to Bill Windsor acknowledging tomorrow’s big announcement at 10:00 am Mountain Time

Sean Boushie sends another stalking, intimidating email to Bill Windsor acknowledging tomorrow’s big announcement at 10:00 am Mountain Time.

From: Bill Windsor []
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 1:25 PM

Oh! big announcement big announcement!!!

William bitler windsor finally admits his mental Illness and admits him self to the state mental Hospital!!

Or is it, watch as Mr healthy Willy, with all those pill bottles in the background.., Windsor commits suicide on live camera!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaa, yippieeeeeeee


Sean Boushie continues to commit a host of crimes against Bill Windsor

Sean Boushie continues to commit a host of crimes against Bill Windsor.

When will the police and the University of Montana take action?

From: Bill Windsor []
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 11:25 AM

Oh nooooooooo. Mr. Fatass windsor thinks he can threaten yet another poor innocent woman. Se know you do it because you don’t have the balls to stand up o any man..  Such a koward. Go harass your little girls asshole, see how that goes.  Hope you enjoy your new cell.


Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk and harass Bill Windsor

This sick bastard, Sean Boushie, continues to cyberstalk and harass Bill Windsor.  Here’s his latest email.  I think this is about five from him in the last 24 hours.  he is impersonating me in his email name.

From: Bill Windsor []
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 10:22 PM

Ohh Billy, don’t be so mean to me. I just wanted you to show me your gloryholes. I heard you had suck fun at them.

So how many of those tv reporters called you back?  Oh, none?? Most of them said you aee Sean-Boushie-email-2013-08-19-22-22-tv-reportersa crazy old homeless man who needs to go into a mental institution?? Oh that makes sense..


Sean Boushie emails and cyberstalks with the stolen identity of Bill Windsor

Sean Boushie emails and cyberstalks with the stolen identity of Bill Windsor.

From: Bill Windsor []
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 6:49 PM

Oh Billy, I can’t wait to see you again. Will you take me to your favorite play place? You know, those nasty gloryholes where you go. I so want to see you do those things with the boys you always talk about, and I can’t want to play with your throbbing 2 inch throbbing member again. Its ok, I won’t tell anyone about the rash you gave me last time.


Ooga Boobies


Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk Bill Windsor and commit crimes with emails containing obscenities and proposing lewd acts

Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk Bill Windsor and commit crimes with emails containing obscenities and proposing lewd acts.

From: Jane Doe []
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 10:34 AM

Oh ya, go fuck yourself! Koward!


Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk Bill Windsor, hoping he dies from skin cancer

Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk Bill Windsor, hoping he dies from skin cancer.

From: Jane Doe []
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 10:33 AM

Hopefully your face rots off with that face cancer. Have them check your tiny brain too. See you on campus, going to bring your tiny gun again?


Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk Bill Windsor indicating he may be a cannibal

Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk Bill Windsor indicating he may be a cannibal.

From: Jane Doe []
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 8:53 PM

Quit making fun of my parents you mentally deranged fat ass.

Why didn’t you show up for supper? You were the main feast. Ad always, no guts to face a real man with your tiny little gun.



Sean Boushie continues to commit crimes against Bill Windsor

Sean Boushie continues to commit crimes against Bill Windsor.

It is a crime in Montana to email obscenities.  It is a crime in Montana to cyberstalk.  It is a crime in Montana to invade someone’s privacy.  It is a crime in Montana to email about perverted sexual acts.  Sean Boushie just continues to commit crimes.

From: Jane Doe []
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 11:47 AM

Oh ya. Almost forgot.

Go FUCK yourself asshole.



Sean Boushie makes another death threat to Bill Windsor

Sean Boushie makes another death threat to Bill Windsor.

Gee, I thought he had gone away, scared out of his mind over going to prison and being labeled one-of-those.

From: Jane Doe []
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:57 AM

So sorry we “missed you” on campus. Why don’t you come for dinner, we are having roast fat pig. Bring your own apple.  Your stupid little vest should hold the heat in quite nicely. Its too bad you are such the koward, just name a time and place, somewhere remote.


Sean Boushie actually has a welcome sign for me at his home:

Bill Windsor spends the day filming at the University of Montana and Sean Boushie-land

Bill Windsor spent the day filming at the University of Montana and Sean Boushie-land.

The University of Montana may not be a university at all. It may be a front for all types of covert activity. I speculate on this because they don’t seem to have any (many) students! I spent all day there, and I bet I didn’t see over 20 students. They have a good-sized football stadium, so it probably is a university, but I’ve never been to one as isolated and quiet as this one.  There currently isn’t a summer session, but it’s still a strange place.  There are no stores nearby as there is at virtually every campus I have ever been to.  It’s just different.

Wearing a 30-pound metal bulletproof vest in 100-degrees and bright sunlight will flat wear you out. It’s a sweaty business.

It was an interesting time.  I looked for students and found none.  I looked for Sean Boushie’s building, and after being sent to three other locations, I finally found his building, and his supervisor spoke with me.  And whether he knew it or not, that camera I was holding right in front of him was on the whole time.  Charles H. Janson, Associate Dean of the Division of Biological Sciences told me that he didn’t know who I was, but then he seemed to know quite a bit when he started defending Sean Boushie.  He told me that the University of Montana doesn’t care what its employees do on their own time.  And he claims I don’t have proof that Sean Boushie has done this on company time, but I do.  He did provide safe passage to the highly spooky fourth floor where I snapped a quick photo of Sean Boushie’s alleged office door and then escaped with my life.

The University of Montana employees with whom I met all expressed disbelief that the University would not do anything about this.  It is absolutely outrageous because the University of Montana has its own police force, and a complaint of a crime there has to be reported to the kampus kops, as I did.

I may be staying here a little longer than planned.  The backstory that I need to film in Great Falls can’t be done until the 23rd.

I’ll be out with the camera all day tomorrow.  I’ll probably weigh less than a hundred pounds after wearing the bulletproof vest for eight hours in the 100-degree weather.

This is the sewer at the University of Montana near where Sean Boushie works.  I thought it was an appropriate photo.  The official word from the University of Montana today is that they cannot be concerned with what their employees do on their on time.  I told them I have proof that Sean Boushie has stalked and threatened me on University time.  They choose to claim that can’t be true.  We’ll find out when I sue the University.

This is University Hall.  This is where President Royce Engstrom hangs out.  He refused to go on camera, and he gagged all other administrators from speaking with me.

This is the University of Montana Grizzly.  They call the teams the “Griz.”  I guess that would be like calling the Texas Longhorns the “Longs,” or the Ohio State Buckeyes the “Bucks.”

This is the highly spooky office of Sean Boushie.  I was able to photograph it under the protection of Sean Boushie’s supervisor, a bulletproof vest, pepper spray, and assorted other defensive tools.

My new cap.  I thought the “debate” was appropriate.  Are they a front for the government , or aren’t they?  The selection was poor.  I wanted white or grey, but they didn’t have any that said University of Montana in those colors.  So I’m stuck with maroon, which as we all know goes with just about nothing.

Sean Boushie allegedly works in here.  I believe he is in charge of cleaning up.

Another view of the greenhouse that Sean Boushie allegedly cleans up.

This is Sean Boushie’s red truck.  I know because we took a photo of it at his home during our drive-by.

This is Sean Boushie’s red truck.  I know because we took a photo of it at his home during our drive-by.

This is Sean Boushie’s red truck.  I know because we took a photo of it at his home during our drive-by.

This is the Health Sciences Building where Sean Boushie allegedly makes his home in spooky room 415.

I have no idea what HS104 is, but the University computer says he is in 415 in the Health Sciences Building.

This is the entrance marker at the corner of the campus of the University of Montana.

This is University Hall from the circle that is allegedly the center of activity at the University of Montana with the Montana M on the side of the mountain.

The Lawless America Jeep spent a dollar to park at the University of Montana.  My record is intact — no traffic tickets or parking tickets in over 12 years.