Sean Boushie and Wynette Boushie have been served by Sheriff to give depositions and produce documents on August 15, 2013

Sean Boushie and Wynette Boushie have been served by Sheriff to give depositions and produce documents on August 15, 2013.

During the evening of August 6, 2013, a Deputy Sheriff from Ravalli County Montana served Sean Boushie and Wynette Boushie. They are to appear for depositions on August 15, 2013, and they are to produce documents.



 Each document request herein seeks all information available to Sean Boushie, his attorneys or agents, his wife, and any other person acting on his behalf.

  1. If the original of a document is within your possession, custody or control, produce it; if not, produce such a copy of it as is in your possession, custody or control.  Any copy of a document on which any notation, addition, alteration or change has been made is to be treated as constituting an additional original document.
  2. The term “document” is intended to have the broadest meaning permitted by law and specifically includes documents in written and electronic form, including but not limited to electronic mail, online messages, and online postings.
  3. For the purpose of responding, the term “you” and derivations of that pronoun shall refer to Sean Boushie.
  4. For the purpose of responding, the term “Windsor” refers to William M. Windsor.
  5. For the purpose of responding, the term “Lawless America” refers to,,,, and the project of Windsor that these web pages cover.
  6. For the purpose of responding, the term “Overstreet” refers to Defendant Allie Loraine Yager Overstreet in Missouri Case # 13LF-CV00461.
  7. For the purpose of responding, the term “Mrs. Boushie” refers to Wynette Boushie, the wife of Sean Boushie.
  8. Documents should be organized in folders or stacks with the document request number on the top.


All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Windsor.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Overstreet.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Crystal Cox.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Mary Wilson or Mary Deneen.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Michael Spreadbury.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Lea Anne Scott.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Shawn Rutherford.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Stephanie DeYoung.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Paul Stramer.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Royce Engstrom.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about the police, sheriff’s department, University of Montana Public Safety or Campus Security Department, any law enforcement agency, district attorney, or prosecuting attorney.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, the University of Montana or any other entity or person about you or your wife allegedly stalking, harassing, defaming, libeling, slandering, cyberstalking, or threatening anyone.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about any charges against you or your wife by any law enforcement agency, any arrests, and any convictions for violating the law.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting information about Windsor or Lawless America provided to you or your wife by anyone or obtained by you from any source.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting emails or online messages sent by you or your husband or received by you or your wife at home, at work, on a mobile device, or in any other manner in 2012 or 2013.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting accounts that you or your wife have ever set up with Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Lawless America, any email provider, or any website on which you have ever posted a comment.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting your drivers’ license.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting your passport.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting licenses or permits for guns or weapons of any type.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting information about Mrs. Boushie’s participation in email, online messaging, and online posting.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting information about your employment with the University of Montana, including but not limited to performance appraisals, contracts, personnel file information, compensation information.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing telephone calls by you or your wife in 2012 and 2013.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your wife and anyone regarding Windsor or Lawless America.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your wife and all persons known to you or your wife who have knowledge of the facts and circumstances alleged in Overstreet’s Complaint for Protective Order in Missouri Case # 13LF-CV00289.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications that support Overstreet’s claim that she was entitled to relief against Windsor as alleged in her Complaint for Protective Order in Missouri Case # 13LF-CV00289.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your wife and each person with knowledge of you and Windsor or Lawless America.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications with Windsor, including but not limited to, any and all telephone discussions with Windsor, notes or recordings of oral discussions with Windsor, emails, letters, faxes, or messages sent to or received.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your wife and anyone to the effect that Windsor or Lawless America are dishonest, operate a “scam,” are fraudulent, or are corrupt.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your wife and or anyone who posts on the website.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing communications, or any other form of publication or information between you or your wife and anyone regarding the American Mothers Political Party.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing communications, information, messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication or information to indicate that statements made by Windsor in the VERIFIED COMPLAINT in Missouri case # 13LF-CV00461 were false.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about all the time you or your wife have spent in the state of Missouri, Kansas, or Texas from January 1, 2012 to the present.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about a Facebook page pretending to be Windsor’s deceased father.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about a Facebook page pretending to be Windsor’s deceased mother.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about a Facebook page pretending to be Bill Windsor.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about a Facebook page pretending to be Barbara or Babs Windsor.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about Windsor as the victim of stalking, harassment, defamation, libel, slander, and threats.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding threats that you or your wife have made to Windsor or Lawless America.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding threats that you or your wife have made to anyone.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, or any other form of publication, information, or communication made online in 2012 and 2013.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication between anyone and you or your wife in which you use an alias, such as John Smith, John Brown, William Windsore, or any other name than your own.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication between you or your wife and Claudine Dombrowski, Lorraine Tipton, Shannon Miller aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez aka Shannon Hernandez, or anyone associates in any manner with the American Mothers Political Party.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication that Windsor posted the death notice posting about Noah Williamson or that Windsor has ever posted knowingly false information.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding any cease and desist notices published by Windsor in an attempt to stop you from making contact and defaming Windsor.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding Windsor’ published request for retractions from you or anyone else.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding any litigation involving you or your wife now or at any time in the last 10 years.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication that relates to police reports made by you or your wife.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding any weapons that you or your wife own, including but not limited to, guns, knives, bows and arrows, explosives.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, receipts, logs, or communication regarding your travel or your wife’s travel from January 1, 2012 to the present.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, telephone records, Internet records, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, receipts, logs, or communication regarding time that you or your wife have spent in Missouri, Kansas, or Texas from January 1, 2012 to the present.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, telephone records, Internet records, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, receipts, logs, or communication to indicate that you or your wife are an experienced cyberstalker.

All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, telephone records, Internet records, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, receipts, logs, or communication to indicate that you or your wife have conspired with Overstreet.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about anyone that you or your wife have ever said, written, or posted something negative.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about anything that you or your wife have ever sent to anyone by any means or posted online containing vulgar words, cuss words, four-letter words, or anatomical terms, including but not limited to fuck, shit, dickless, ass, penis, butt.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting web pages of or about Windsor or Lawless America.




 Each document request herein seeks all information available to Wynette Boushie, her attorneys or agents, her husband, and any other person acting on his behalf.

  1. If the original of a document is within your possession, custody or control, produce it; if not, produce such a copy of it as is in your possession, custody or control.  Any copy of a document on which any notation, addition, alteration or change has been made is to be treated as constituting an additional original document.
  2. The term “document” is intended to have the broadest meaning permitted by law and specifically includes documents in written and electronic form, including but not limited to electronic mail, online messages, and online postings.
  3. For the purpose of responding, the term “you” and derivations of that pronoun shall refer to Wynette Boushie.
  4. For the purpose of responding, the term “Windsor” refers to William M. Windsor.
  5. For the purpose of responding, the term “Lawless America” refers to,,,, and the project of Windsor that these web pages cover.
  6. For the purpose of responding, the term “Overstreet” refers to Defendant Allie Loraine Yager Overstreet in Missouri Case # 13LF-CV00461.
  7. For the purpose of responding, the term “Mr. Boushie” refers to Sean Boushie, the husband of Wynette Boushie.
  8. Documents should be organized in folders or stacks with the document request number on the top.


All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Windsor.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Overstreet.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Crystal Cox.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Mary Wilson or Mary Deneen.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Michael Spreadbury.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Lea Anne Scott.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Shawn Rutherford.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Stephanie DeYoung.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Paul Stramer.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about Royce Engstrom.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about the police, sheriff’s department, University of Montana Public Safety or Campus Security Department, any law enforcement agency, district attorney, or prosecuting attorney.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, the University of Montana or any other entity or person about you or your husband allegedly stalking, harassing, defaming, libeling, slandering, cyberstalking, or threatening anyone.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about any charges against you or your husband by any law enforcement agency, any arrests, and any convictions for violating the law.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting information about Windsor or Lawless America provided to you or your husband by anyone or obtained by you from any source.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting emails or online messages sent by you or your husband or received by you or your husband at home, at work, on a mobile device, or in any other manner in 2012 or 2013.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting accounts that you or your husband have ever set up with Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Lawless America, any email provider, or any website on which you have ever posted a comment.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting your drivers’ license.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting your passport.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting licenses or permits for guns or weapons of any type.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting information about Mr. Boushie’s participation in email, online messaging, and online posting.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting information about your husband’s employment with the University of Montana, including but not limited to performance appraisals, contracts, personnel file information, compensation information.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing telephone calls by you or your husband in 2012 and 2013.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your husband and anyone regarding Windsor or Lawless America.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your husband and all persons known to you or your husband who have knowledge of the facts and circumstances alleged in Overstreet’s Complaint for Protective Order in Missouri Case # 13LF-CV00289.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications that support Overstreet’s claim that she was entitled to relief against Windsor as alleged in her Complaint for Protective Order in Missouri Case # 13LF-CV00289.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your husband and each person with knowledge of you and Windsor or Lawless America.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications with Windsor, including but not limited to, any and all telephone discussions with Windsor, notes or recordings of oral discussions with Windsor, emails, letters, faxes, or messages sent to or received.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your husband and anyone to the effect that Windsor or Lawless America are dishonest, operate a “scam,” are fraudulent, or are corrupt.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing all communications between you or your husband and or anyone who posts on the website.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing communications, or any other form of publication or information between you or your husband and anyone regarding the American Mothers Political Party.
All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, constituting, or showing communications, information, messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication or information to indicate that statements made by Windsor in the VERIFIED COMPLAINT in Missouri case # 13LF-CV00461 were false.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about all the time you or your husband have spent in the state of Missouri, Kansas, or Texas from January 1, 2012 to the present.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about a Facebook page pretending to be Windsor’s deceased father.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about a Facebook page pretending to be Windsor’s deceased mother.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about a Facebook page pretending to be Bill Windsor.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about a Facebook page pretending to be Barbara or Babs Windsor.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication about Windsor as the victim of stalking, harassment, defamation, libel, slander, and threats.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding threats that you have made to Windsor or Lawless America.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding threats that you or your husband have made to anyone.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, or any other form of publication, information, or communication made online in 2012 and 2013.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication between anyone and you or your husband in which you use an alias, such as John Smith, John Brown, William Windsore, or any other name than your own.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication between you or your husband and Claudine Dombrowski, Lorraine Tipton, Shannon Miller aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez aka Shannon Hernandez, or anyone associates in any manner with the American Mothers Political Party.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication that Windsor posted the death notice posting about Noah Williamson or that Windsor has ever posted knowingly false information.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding any cease and desist notices published by Windsor in an attempt to stop you from making contact and defaming Windsor.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding Windsor’ published request for retractions from you or anyone else.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding any litigation involving you or your husband now or at any time in the last 10 years.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication that relates to police reports made by you or your husband.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, or communication regarding any weapons that you or your husband own, including but not limited to, guns, knives, bows and arrows, explosives.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, receipts, logs, or communication regarding your travel or your husband’s travel from January 1, 2012 to the present.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, telephone records, Internet records, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, receipts, logs, or communication regarding time that you or your husband have spent in Missouri, Kansas, or Texas from January 1, 2012 to the present.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, telephone records, Internet records, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, receipts, logs, or communication to indicate that you or your husband are an experienced cyberstalker.
All documents relating to, referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting messages, postings, articles, telephone records, Internet records, recordings, or any other form of publication, information, receipts, logs, or communication to indicate that you or your husband have conspired with Overstreet.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about anyone that you or your husband have ever said, written, or posted something negative.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting communication to, from, or about anything that you or your husband have ever sent to anyone by any means or posted online containing vulgar words, cuss words, four-letter words, or anatomical terms, including but not limited to fuck, shit, dickless, ass, penis, butt.

All documents relating or referring to, or evidencing, reflecting, or constituting web pages of or about Windsor or Lawless America.

Ravalli County Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey issued a totally bogus order in response to Bill Windsor’s Petition for a Protective Order against Sean Boushie

Ravalli County Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey issued a totally bogus order in response to Bill Windsor’s Petition for a Protective Order against Sean Boushie.

On August 6, 2013, I filed a SWORN PETITION FOR TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION AND REQUEST FOR A HEARING (“SWORN PETITION”) with the Ravalli County Montana Justice Court.



Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey denied the SWORN PETITION claiming “(1) In order to grant a restraining order, the Court must find that the applicant is in imminent danger of harm. The information in your application did not meet that criteria. (2) If you have no relationship to the Respondent, then the Statutes require that you must be a victim of assault, stalking, incest, sexual assault, or sexual intercourse without your consent.  The information provided in your application did not meet that criteria.”  CV-2013-810-Ravalli-County-Justice-Court-Order-2013-08-06

Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey did not properly consider the evidence presented.  Well, truth be told, I don’t believe Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey ever looked at the evidence.  This became quite apparent from subsequent events.  I am now well aware that Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey is a corrupt “judge.”

Bill Windsor is alive and well in Missoula Montana after a reconnaissance mission into Sean Boushie enemy territory

Bill Windsor is alive and well in Missoula Montana after a reconnaissance mission into Sean Boushie enemy territory.

We went on a reconnaissance mission into enemy territory today, and we escaped unscathed. Got some great photos and video for the TV show.

Among the many places visited today, my bodyguard and I drove down the dirt road past the home of Sean Boushie and Wynette Boushie, 570 Grandview, Stevensville, MT 59870.  Not the nicest place I’ve seen — way out in the middle of nowhere.  The property may have been boobytrapped.  There is definitely a motion detector on the little dirt path that I guess could be called a driveway.

How unusual to be greeted with a special Bill Windsor sign in violation of my copyright. Sean Boushie’s truck was there, but he didn’t show his face. My bodyguard was there to protect me.

It was a very productive day.  Lots of wheels are in motion.  I didn’t finish visiting the law enforcement folks today, so I will wrap that up tomorrow, and media visits day will have to be shifted to Thursday.

It’s a beautiful drive from Missoula to Stevensville if you like blue sky and mountains.

Mountain after mountain between Missoula and Stevensville Montana.

What a great photo opp.  A string of 20 or so mailboxes with the Boushie Box nestled right in there.  I wonder if the neighbors know what goes on at 570 Grandview.

Here’s the Lawless America Jeep right there at the Welcome to Stevensville sign.  A few miles down the road, I was stopped by two women and two children.  They waved for me to roll down the window, and I did.  They saw me back in Missoula, looked up the website on their cell phone, and they wanted to chat and get my autograph.  Nice folks.


This is an interesting development in the Sean Boushie investigation that we are doing.  It is possible that Sean Boushie frequents places like this.  I have been told that he has frequented “hookup” websites.  And when I ran a Spokeo report to doublecheck the address of Sean Boushie, I obtained access to the email that Spokeo has gathered for him from its web scraping.  That email is  I didn’t know what a Glory Hole was, so I had to search for the definition of Glory Hole.  Wikipedia says a glory hole (also spelled gloryhole and glory-hole) is a hole in a wall, or other partition, often between public lavatory stalls or adult video arcade booths for people to engage in sexual activity or observe the person in the next cubicle while one or both parties masturbate.  The partition maintains anonymity. Body parts including fingers, tongue and penis may be used for anonymous oral, vaginal and/or anal intercourse. Erotic literature and pornographic films have been devoted to the sexual uses of glory holes.

I wonder if the University of Montana pays him to do this as well.  Now, let me note that this is simply information that has come to my attention at this point.  I am not accusing Sean Boushie of being a pervert at this time.  For now, I only accuse him of being a sick criminal.

William M. Windsor

Phone: 770-578-1094 – blog site


Bill Windsor files a Petition for an Order of Protection against Sean Boushie in the Ravalli County Justice Court

Bill Windsor filed a Petition for an Order of Protection in the Ravalli County Justice Court on August 6, 2013.

Prior to filing, I visited the Montana Victims’ Advocate Office to have my standard Montana forms checked to be sure they were complete and properly prepared.

The Petition (pdf linked below) was a slam dunk.  It had to be approved because I more than met the requirements under two separate statutes.

The clerk had me swear, and she notarized my Petition.  It was then submitted to Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey.

I sat and waited for the order to come.



Bill Windsor files additional criminal charges against Sean Boushie

Bill Windsor has prepared additional criminal charges to be filed on August 6, 2013 against Sean Boushie.

Today, I was presented with additional criminal charges that I should consider filing against Sean Boushie.  After reviewing a list that was sent to me, I will be presenting criminal charges for Aggravated Assault, Assault with a Weapon, Negligent Endangerment, and Intimidation to go along with the criminal charges that I have already filed.

45-5-202. Aggravated assault. (1) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault if the person purposely or knowingly causes serious bodily injury to another or purposely or knowingly, with the use of physical force or contact, causes reasonable apprehension of serious bodily injury or death in another.
(2) A person convicted of aggravated assault shall be imprisoned in the state prison for a term not to exceed 20 years and may be fined not more than $50,000, except as provided in 46-18-219 and 46-18-222

45-5-213. Assault with weapon. (1) A person commits the offense of assault with a weapon if the person purposely or knowingly causes:
(a) bodily injury to another with a weapon; or
(b) reasonable apprehension of serious bodily injury in another by use of a weapon or what reasonably appears to be a weapon.
(2) (a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2)(b), a person convicted of assault with a weapon shall be imprisoned in the state prison for a term not to exceed 20 years or be fined not more than $50,000, or both.

45-5-208. Negligent endangerment — penalty. (1) A person who negligently engages in conduct that creates a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to another commits the offense of negligent endangerment.
(2) A person convicted of the offense of negligent endangerment shall be fined an amount not to exceed $1,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for a term not to exceed 1 year, or both.

45-5-203. Intimidation. (1) A person commits the offense of intimidation when, with the purpose to cause another to perform or to omit the performance of any act, the person communicates to another, under circumstances that reasonably tend to produce a fear that it will be carried out, a threat to perform without lawful authority any of the following acts:
(a) inflict physical harm on the person threatened or any other person;
(b) subject any person to physical confinement or restraint; or
(c) commit any felony.
(2) A person commits the offense of intimidation if the person knowingly communicates a threat or false report of a pending fire, explosion, or disaster that would endanger life or property.
(3) A person convicted of the offense of intimidation shall be imprisoned in the state prison for any term not to exceed 10 years or be fined an amount not to exceed $50,000, or both.

Many of the things that Sean Boushie has done fall into these criminal categories.


University of Montana President Royce Engstrom gags all University officials from speaking on camera for Bill Windsor’s Lawless America TV Show Expose

University of Montana President Royce Engstrom has gagged all University officials from speaking on camera for Bill Windsor’s Lawless America TV Show expose.

So, the plot thickens in Missoula Montana.

Sean Boushie is employed by the University of Montana.  He is allegedly a biology teacher.  Royce Engstrom and the University of Montana have been told by me that there is a belief that the University of Montana pays Sean Boushie to cyberstalk people and commit crimes against people for government entities.  Royce Engstrom and the University of Montana have been provided evidence of over 250 crimes against me alone, as well as a list of other victims.

Now, how simple would it be to go on camera for a few minutes and vehemently deny any such involvement by the University or involvement in the cover-up of Sean Boushie’s crimes?  It would be very simple.  But all I have received is a blanket refusal for ANYONE from the University administration to speak to me.

University of Montana President Royce Engstrom was recently named by U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, to sit on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.  Hmmm.

According to a Washington Post Terrorism Report, Montana ranks 36th of 50 states in the number of domestically focused counterterrorism and homeland security organizations (tied with Connecticut and West Virginia), and is one of four states that rank 45th overall in organizations established or newly involved in counterterrorism since 9/11. In dollar amount, the state ranked 45th in fiscal 2009 in federal homeland security spending and 46th in domestic preparedness and antiterrorism programs. Hmmm.  But the local university president is on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.  Hmmm.

I have heard that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is going to build a big facility in Missoula Montana.  Hmmm.

How could any employer, much less a public university responsible for thousands of students, allow an employee to cyberstalk many people, use every lewd and lascivious word there is in emails and online postings, and threaten to kill people?  I don’t believe any innocent employer could.  To me, the only explanation for how the University of Montana can do and not do what they’ve done is if they are guilty.  I now believe the University of Montana employs Sean Boushie, and presumably others, to cyberstalk, defame, harass, and threaten people, including Crystal Cox, Michael Spreadbury, Mary Deneen, Lea Anne Scott, Mary Wilson, Shawn Rutherford, Stephanie DeYoung, and me.  We have evidence that proves he does cyberstalking using University of Montana computers.

Sean Boushie has trouble spelling the four-letter words much less anything else.  He apparently lost five jobs in a short period of time before landing this gig.  Yet we are to believe he is a supervisor in the biology department?

We’ll be filming on campus, so I really look forward to asking students what they think about this.  Would they support their university as a criminal racketeering enterprise?  Does it concern them that the University may be paying people to threaten to kill?  How do they feel about being on the same campus as a man who uses Charles Manson’s photo as his own and can barely form a sentence without using the word fuck?

In addition to filming students, we will be camped outside the administration building asking the President and others to comment.

I LOVE having the University of Montana as a co-conspirator because they have deeeep pockets.  I will ask that all of the defendants be held jointly and severally liable for damages.  So, Lawless America…The Movie and the Lawless America Association could end up being funded by the University of Montana.  Hey, we’ll even take money from criminals.

William M. Windsor

Phone: 770-578-1094 – blog site

Sean Boushie claims he missed and shot the car next to Bill Windsor today on the Interstate near Billings Montana

Sean Boushie claims he missed and shot the car next to me today on the Interstate near Billings Montana.

I just received this email from Sean Boushie, the Missoula guy who has threatened to kill me:

“Here kitty kitty kitty.. Come on big fat kitty kitty… Come to mamma, you fat lying, asshole. Too bad I missed and hit that other car huh, I didn’t know it would explode like that… By Coward.”

As I was driving down Interstate-90 in Montana today, a car in the lane to my right burst into flames and smoke filled the road.

I slowed up as did a car just ahead of me and undoubtedly everyone behind us.  When the smoke cleared, I didn’t see any flames, but the driver had pulled his car off onto the side of the road, and the car ahead of me pulled over as well.

I didn’t stop to ask if they had been shot. I figured it was just a blown engine, but who knows?

Then Sean Boushie emails me to take credit for it.  Who am I to doubt him.  I will get this to the authorities first thing in the morning.



William M. Windsor

Phone: 770-578-1094 – blog site

Bill Windsor is in Montana and preparing to expose Sean Boushie and hopefully get him arrested

Bill Windsor is in Montana and preparing to expose Sean Boushie and hopefully get him arrested.

I’m keeping my eyes peeled and my head down. Bullets or arrows could come from any direction at any time now. My would-be killer knows the highway I’m traveling. He kills deer with a bow and arrow, so unless he’s all talk, he’ll be shooting.

I want to be clear about this: I am in fear for my safety and my life. I am taking a wide variety of precautions. I am doing this because this man has done this to many people, including four who have been filmed by me. I am doing this because law enforcement and the various powers-that-be have not done anything. If I can’t shame law enforcement into arresting him, then I will expose all of the authorities who let this would-be killer commit crime after crime.

William M. Windsor
Phone: 770-578-1094 – blog site


Sean Boushie continued to cyber-stalk Bill Windsor calling him a lying asshole

Sean Boushie continued to cyber-stalk Bill Windsor calling him a lying asshole

From: William Windsore []
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2013 11:29 PM

What a lying asshole.. Se are all sooo worried.. NOT. You are a coward and we all know it.


Sean Boushie admits he is shaking in his boots, yet continues to cyberstalk and harass Bill Windsor

Sean Boushie admits he is shaking in his boots, yet continues to cyberstalk and harass Bill Windsor.  Here’s the latest email from this thing:

From: William Windsore []
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 7:20 PM

Oh no, we are so scared…..  I’m just shaking in my tiny little boots. I’m so scarred that a fat psychopath liar who everybody knows is crazy is going to tell all kinds of lies. Oh what will I do… Maybe ill eat all his pie!!! That will piss him off!  Go get some anti psychotic meds asshole. You don’t have the balls to face a real man in the daylight. All you can do is type on your wittle computer. Your a liar!!! Enjoy your cell.


I will begin filming in Missoula Montana where Sean Boushie, who steals my identity and others, works for Cyberstalker U (University of Montana).  I don’t lie, and I have all the evidence needed to put this guy away for the rest of his life.

We will also be investigating Mrs. Boushie this week.  Her name is Wynette Boushie.  How involved in all of this is Wynette Boushie?  Wynette Boushie has defended her husband, Sean Boushie, before, and it is hard to imagine that someone could defend a criminal like this unless they were involved.  How involved in the criminal activity of Sean Boushie is Wynette Boushie?

We’re going to have vehicles driving around Missoula and Stevensville with signs on them asking anyone who knows Sean Boushie or Wynette Boushie to call us.

We’re going to have posters posted on University bulletin boards, at supermarkets, and anywhere wanted posters for criminals are posted.  We will have people on street corners handing out flyers.

We’re working on some radio commercials.  We have ads on CraigsList, and we may put ads in the local Missoula and Stevensville newspapers.

And I’ll be there in my bulletproof vest with giant letters “TV” on the back.

I cannot wait to get to Missoula to get things rolling.  Filming was scheduled for July 26 to August 1.

There will be several surprises in Missoula and Stevensville this week.  You’ll read about them right here after they happen.

To reach Bill Windsor and Lawless America, email