University of Montana President Royce Engstrom gags all University officials from speaking on camera for Bill Windsor’s Lawless America TV Show Expose

University of Montana President Royce Engstrom has gagged all University officials from speaking on camera for Bill Windsor’s Lawless America TV Show expose.

So, the plot thickens in Missoula Montana.

Sean Boushie is employed by the University of Montana.  He is allegedly a biology teacher.  Royce Engstrom and the University of Montana have been told by me that there is a belief that the University of Montana pays Sean Boushie to cyberstalk people and commit crimes against people for government entities.  Royce Engstrom and the University of Montana have been provided evidence of over 250 crimes against me alone, as well as a list of other victims.

Now, how simple would it be to go on camera for a few minutes and vehemently deny any such involvement by the University or involvement in the cover-up of Sean Boushie’s crimes?  It would be very simple.  But all I have received is a blanket refusal for ANYONE from the University administration to speak to me.

University of Montana President Royce Engstrom was recently named by U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, to sit on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.  Hmmm.

According to a Washington Post Terrorism Report, Montana ranks 36th of 50 states in the number of domestically focused counterterrorism and homeland security organizations (tied with Connecticut and West Virginia), and is one of four states that rank 45th overall in organizations established or newly involved in counterterrorism since 9/11. In dollar amount, the state ranked 45th in fiscal 2009 in federal homeland security spending and 46th in domestic preparedness and antiterrorism programs. Hmmm.  But the local university president is on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.  Hmmm.

I have heard that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is going to build a big facility in Missoula Montana.  Hmmm.

How could any employer, much less a public university responsible for thousands of students, allow an employee to cyberstalk many people, use every lewd and lascivious word there is in emails and online postings, and threaten to kill people?  I don’t believe any innocent employer could.  To me, the only explanation for how the University of Montana can do and not do what they’ve done is if they are guilty.  I now believe the University of Montana employs Sean Boushie, and presumably others, to cyberstalk, defame, harass, and threaten people, including Crystal Cox, Michael Spreadbury, Mary Deneen, Lea Anne Scott, Mary Wilson, Shawn Rutherford, Stephanie DeYoung, and me.  We have evidence that proves he does cyberstalking using University of Montana computers.

Sean Boushie has trouble spelling the four-letter words much less anything else.  He apparently lost five jobs in a short period of time before landing this gig.  Yet we are to believe he is a supervisor in the biology department?

We’ll be filming on campus, so I really look forward to asking students what they think about this.  Would they support their university as a criminal racketeering enterprise?  Does it concern them that the University may be paying people to threaten to kill?  How do they feel about being on the same campus as a man who uses Charles Manson’s photo as his own and can barely form a sentence without using the word fuck?

In addition to filming students, we will be camped outside the administration building asking the President and others to comment.

I LOVE having the University of Montana as a co-conspirator because they have deeeep pockets.  I will ask that all of the defendants be held jointly and severally liable for damages.  So, Lawless America…The Movie and the Lawless America Association could end up being funded by the University of Montana.  Hey, we’ll even take money from criminals.

William M. Windsor

Phone: 770-578-1094 – blog site

Sean Boushie Expose TV Show film dates changed to August 4 to August 11, 2013

Bill Windsor was forced to change the scheduled filming YET AGAIN as there is a hearing on August 1 in Lexington Missouri that he must attend in the case of Windsor v. Allie Overstreet.

Sean Boushie Expose TV Show film dates changed to August 4 to August 11, 2013.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America had to leave Montana in his rearview mirror as he raced back to Topeka Kansas for the trial of Claudine Dombrowski and the American Mothers Political Party.  Then the Allie Overstreet hearing came as a surprise.

I will head to Missoula Montana on August 1 after the hearing ends.  I have three stops to make along the way.  Then the filming will begin!

I received an email today to confirm delivery of my bulletproof vest.  I will be wearing it the whole time I am in Missoula because of the many threats by Sean Boushie.

Sean Boushie Expose TV Show film dates changed to July 29 to August 6, 2013

Sean Boushie Expose TV Show film dates changed to July 29 to August 6, 2013.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America had to leave Montana in his rearview mirror as he raced back to Topeka Kansas for the trial of Claudine Dombrowski and the American Mothers Political Party.

There was no way to reach the judge to seek a continuance, so another 1,600 miles will be racked up on the Jeep just for this July 25, 2013 trial.

I will head to Missoula Montana on July 26.



Bill Windsor is headed toward Missoula Montana for the expose of Sean Boushie

Bill Windsor is headed toward Missoula Montana for the expose of Sean Boushie.

Bill Windsor will arrive in Missoula on July 29, 2013 under heavy security.

Sean Boushie is a cyberstalker who works as a teacher at the University of Montana.  Allegedly.  I will be exposing him as a criminal, and we will be exploring whether the University pays him to cyberstalk.