Sean Boushie continues cyberstalking Bill Windsor: “fat coward, no balls, go fuck yourself, play in your gloryhole you pervert”

Sean Boushie and Wynette Boushie continue cyberstalking Bill Windsor: “fat coward, no balls, go fuck yourself, play in your gloryhole you pervert”

This email is from “Jane Doe” and “us,” indicating Wynette Boushie is indeed involved in these criminal acts with her alleged significant other.

From: Jane Doe []
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 12:44 PM

God you are such a fat coward. All computer no balls or brains. File some more stupid papers, make some more rejected complaints, or be a man and come get us. Now go fuck yourself and back to playing in your gloryhole you pervert.


Sean Boushie continues to commit crimes against Bill Windsor

Sean Boushie continues to commit crimes against Bill Windsor.

It is a crime in Montana to email obscenities.  It is a crime in Montana to cyberstalk.  It is a crime in Montana to invade someone’s privacy.  It is a crime in Montana to email about perverted sexual acts.  Sean Boushie just continues to commit crimes.

From: Jane Doe []
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 11:47 AM

Oh ya. Almost forgot.

Go FUCK yourself asshole.



Sean Boushie makes another death threat to Bill Windsor

Sean Boushie makes another death threat to Bill Windsor.

Gee, I thought he had gone away, scared out of his mind over going to prison and being labeled one-of-those.

From: Jane Doe []
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:57 AM

So sorry we “missed you” on campus. Why don’t you come for dinner, we are having roast fat pig. Bring your own apple.  Your stupid little vest should hold the heat in quite nicely. Its too bad you are such the koward, just name a time and place, somewhere remote.


Sean Boushie actually has a welcome sign for me at his home:

Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk Bill Windsor – second email today.

Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk Bill Windsor – second email today.

From: William Windsore []
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 7:19 PM

That is one god damm ugly hat.


From: Bill Windsor []
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 7:45 PM
To: ‘William Windsore’

This is approximately the 17th time I have asked you to cease and desist.

Never contact me again. Cease posting about me or my family.

I look forward to meeting Wynette on Thursday!


Sean Boushie continues to stalk Bill Windsor while he is in Montana

Sean Boushie continues to stalk Bill Windsor while he is in Montana.  I awakened this morning to the following message in my email:

From: William Windsore []
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 7:47 AM

I would recommend your transvestite disguise that you wore to the glory holes.

Sean Boushie has repeatedly used my name with an e on the end as an alias.  This was sent by Sean Boushie.


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

I don’t have a transvestite disguise, and I have never been to a glory hole.  I have asked Sean Boushie at least 16 times to cease and desist contacting me.  It is stalking.

Ravalli County Montana Sheriff may be confused about the criminal statues that apply to Bill Windsor’s criminal complaints against Sean Boushie

Ravalli County Montana Sheriff may be confused about the criminal statues that apply to my criminal complaints.

I met with Sheriff Hoffman outside the Justice Court building in Hamilton Montana.  The Sheriff indicated that I needed to file my criminal charges where I live.  I told him that would be hard since I am homeless and crimes happened when I was in as many as 49 states.

It only took me about two minutes back at the motel to determine that Sheriff Hoffman was mistaken.  When I return to file my charges, I have printed out the applicable statutes:

Montana Code – Section 46-3-110: FILING THE CHARGE:

(1) In all criminal prosecutions, the charge must be filed in the county where the offense was committed unless otherwise provided by law.
(2) A charge for violation of 45-7-306 after imposition of a state prison sentence or after commitment to the department of corrections may, at the discretion of the county attorney for the county in which the person was arrested and without objection from the person charged, be filed in any county in the state.

Montana Code – Section 46-3-112: REQUISITE ACT IN MULTIPLE COUNTIES:

(1) Except as provided in 46-3-110(2), if two or more acts are requisite to the commission of an offense or if two or more acts are committed in furtherance of a common scheme, the charge may be filed in any county in which any of the acts or offenses occurred.
(2) Except as provided in 46-3-110(2), if an act requisite to the commission of an offense occurs or continues in more than one county, the charge may be filed in any county in which the act occurred or continued.
(3) If an element of an offense under 45-5-220, 45-5-625, 45-8-212, or 45-8-213 involves an electronic communication, the charge may be filed in the county in or from which the electronic communication was sent or in the county in which the electronic communication was received or to which it was sent

This is about as clear as laws can be.  I clearly can file in Ravalli County.  I can also file in Missoula County, and as long as the laws of other states are similar, I bet I can file in at least 30 states.  But I’ll just start with Ravalli County.  But, I will segment out those instances where I can show that Sean Boushie sent the electronic communications from Missoula County as well as those that I have received in Missoula County.


Bill Windsor files a sworn affidavit and 128 exhibits with Amended Sworn Petition for a Stalking Protective Order against Sean Boushie

On August 8, 2013 at 1:00 pm, Bill Windsor filed a sworn affidavit and 128 exhibits with an Amended Sworn Petition for a Stalking Protective Order against Sean Boushie.  This was filed at the Ravalli County Courthouse in Hamilton Montana.



I, William M. Windsor, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:

  1. I am over the age of 21, am competent to testify, and have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein.  I provide this affidavit to be used in this matter and in any other legal proceeding.
  2. Sean Boushie began stalking me regarding Crystal Cox on March 7, 2012.  He initially sent me four emails.  He offered to donate money to the film I am producing if I told him when and where Crystal Cox would be filmed. [True and correct copies of these are attached hereto as Exhibit 1.] [NOTE: Each exhibit is linked below.]
  3. On May 3, 2012, Sean Boushie first threatened me and intimidated me.  He said he was going to come after me.  “I had enough crap from all the wackjobs associated with this lying POS. You can tell her I’m coming for her and I’m going to make sure she is locked away forever. Want to screw with me and the same goes for you!!” [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 2.]
  4. When Sean Boushie began posting on my Facebook pages — and, a Glock gun was the gravatar/photo that he used. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 3.]  This was viewed by me as a threat from Sean Boushie that he was going to shoot me.  Admittedly, this is a veiled threat.  But when you follow the series of posts and threats, it is quite clearly a threat.
  5. I issued a cease and desist notice to Sean Boushie on or about May 3, 2012.  I issued many cease and desist notices advising him to stop contacting me.
  6. On May 6, 2012, Sean Boushie stalked me by interrupting and harassing me during my Lawless America Radio Show.  He was asked to leave, and he didn’t. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 4.]
  7. On August 17, 2012, Sean Boushie stalked, initimidated, and libeled me calling me a liar, a nutcase, mentally disturbed, not very intelligent, and of dubious moral character. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 5.]
  8. On September 2, 2012, Sean Boushie posted nasty comments about Crystal Cox on my YouTube page. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 6.]
  9. On September 13, 2012, Sean Boushie threatens to sue my wife (now my ex-wife) falsely claiming she is the owner of Lawless America. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 7.]
  10. On September 13, 2012, Sean Boushie falsely posted online that I am a liar, an ahole, and a POS. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 8.]
  11. On September 13, 2012, Sean Boushie sent an email in which he claims I had harassed him, lied, and made false statements about him.  There is absolutely no truth to that because I have not communicated with Sean Boushie except to send him cease and desist notices.  Thankfully, Sean Boushie acknowledges receiving those in this email. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 9.]
  12. On September 14, 2012, Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk me – calls me a liar and psycho in online posts.  He harasses Crystal Cox in the same post and shows that he has used crystalcoxisabitch as an email address. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 10.]
  13. On September 14, 2012, Sean Boushie harasses and stalks me with more online posts, lies, and libel. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 11.]
  14. On September 14, 2012, Sean Boushie is likely responsible for me being suspended by Facebook. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 12.]
  15. On November 7, 2012, Sean Boushie took credit for filing copyright/trademark violation reports with YouTube that caused one woman’s Lawless America videos to be removed and a strike issued against the Lawless America YouTube Channel. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 13.]
  16. On December 12, 2012, Sean Boushie attacked Lawless America film subject, Mary Wilson with a published statement on YouTube. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 2.]
  17. On December 21, 2012, Sean Boushie cyberstalks me with a “threat” to show up at Meet Me in DC event.  He calls me a sociopath. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 14.]
  18. On December 25, 2012, Sean Boushie of the University of Montana threatens me by using a photo for himself that is mass murderer Charles Manson. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 15.]
  19. On January 3, 2013, Sean Boushie sent an email threatening to shoot me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 16.]
  20. On January 3, 2013, I was advised that Sean Boushie posts on my websites using stolen identities. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 17.]
  21. On January 5, 2013, Sean Boushie publishes lies and veiled threats (using his John Smith alias) on [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 18.]
  22. On January 5, 2013, Sean Boushie (using his alias John Smith) publishes that I had a psychotic break and threatens me if I come near him. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 19.]
  23. On January 5, 2013, Sean Boushie emails obscenities to me — F Word, etc. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 20.]
  24. On January 6, 2013, Sean Boushie (using his John Smith alias on publishes lies claiming he has had no contact with and has not threatened me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 21.]
  25. On January 6, 2013, Sean Boushie (using his John Smith alias on implies that he will shoot me if I come to Montana. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 22.]
  26. On January 6, 2013, Sean Boushie (using his John Smith alias and admitting he is one in the same) publishes lies on [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 23.]
  27. On January 6, 2013, Sean Boushie cyberstalks me with posts on  Sean Boushie uses his John Smith alias here. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 24.]
  28. On January 8, 2013, Sean Boushie continues to stalk me by sending a Facebook Friend Request as Mass Murderer Charles Manson. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 25.]
  29. On January 13, 2013, Crystal Cox has provided a sworn affidavit about a death threat from Sean Boushie. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 26.]
  30. On January 15, 2013, Sean Boushie uses my YouTube page to post more libel and threats to Crystal Cox. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 27.]
  31. On January 17, 2013, Sean Boushie has used his YouTube page to threaten those he stalks with guns and explosives.  One of the YouTube videos that Sean Boushie has liked is titled “The Wrong and Right Way to Shoot Someone.” [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 28.]
  32. On January 17, 2013, Sean Boushie ignores Cease and Desist Notices from me and begins threatening my family.  Both an email and a letter were sent. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 29.]
  33. On January 17, 2013, Sean Boushie cyberstalks and taunts me by posting on my YouTube Page. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 30.]
  34. On January 19, 2013, Sean Boushie slanders me with online post that I am a dickless koward, mentally ill, and a pedophile.  Oh, and he also says “bite me, asshole,” and the email address used is [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 31.]
  35. On January 23, 2013, I filed a Criminal Complaint in Marietta Georgia against Sean Boushie of Stevensville Montana. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 32.]
  36. On January 25, 2013, Sean Boushie Facebook Page appears using Mass Murderer Charles Manson’s Photo as Sean Boushie. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 33.]
  37. On February 1, 2013, Report says Sean Boushie posted online that he is a paid cyberstalker and terrorist. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 34.]
  38. On February 10, 2013, Sean Boushie tells me to tell Crystal Cox to go fuck herself.  Crystal Cox is a woman who says Sean Boushie threatened to kill her. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 35.]
  39. On February 10, 2013, Sean Boushie sent an email threatening me, my wife (now ex-wife), and son…and he tells me to go fuck myself.  Sean Boushie seems to have a real interest in people fucking themselves. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 36.]
  40. On February 10, 2013, Sean Boushie threatens me in email and says:  ”back to fucking yourself asshole.”  [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 37.]
  41. On February 10, 2013, “Suck my balls” says University of Montana teacher, Sean Boushie, in email to me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 38.]
  42. On February 10, 2013, I filed yet another complaint with Gmail over Sean Boushie harassment. This was also sent to Sean Boushie, and it is titled Cease and Desist.  This email is evidence that Sean Boushie was asked to stop harassing and intimidating me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 39.]
  43. On February 10, 2013, Sean Boushie emails me to tell me to shove it, lard ass, grow a pair dumbbass, go the fuck away, asshole, and more. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 40.]
  44. On February 10, 2013, Sean Boushie emails me calling me a worthless piece of shit, an ass hole, a pie loving fat ass, a scum sucking megalomaniac who is a perpetual liar and a sociopath….and more.  He terrorizes my wife (now ex-wife) with threats of arrest.  And, as usual, he tells me to go fuck myself. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 41.]
  45. On February 10, 2013, Sean Boushie sent yet another email to me.  He says shove it, go fuck yourself, suck my balls, bye asshole, and other obscenities. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 42.]
  46. On February 11, 2013, a Facebook Page is set up in name of Sean Boushie to cyberstalk me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 43.]
  47. On February 11, 2013, Sean Boushie emails me to say he isn’t going away and doesn’t recognize law enforcement or the courts. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 44.]
  48. On February 11, 2013, Crystalcox Victimsgroup Facebook page is set up to stalk and harass me – Sean Boushie uses this alias. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 45.]
  49. On February 11, 2013, I filed yet another complaint with Gmail and University of Montana against Sean Boushie. Sean Boushie was copied on this email. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 46.]
  50. On February 12, 2013, Sean Boushie sent another email to me.  He can’t spell, and he loves telling people to go fuck themselves. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 47.]
  51. On February 14, 2013, Sean Boushie emails that I am a douchebag, a fucking liar, schitzo, a lesbian, and an asshole. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 48.]
  52. On February 14, 2013, Sean Boushie threatens my wife (now ex-wife) with Prison. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 49.]
  53. On February 14, 2013, I reported Sean Boushie to Yahoo and sent another Cease and Desist. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 50.]
  54. On February 14, 2013, Sean Boushie published online a host of obscenities and threats against my wife (now ex-wife) and me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 51.]
  55. On February 14, 2013, Sean Boushie emails me to call me a douchebag and other obscenities. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 52.]
  56. On February 14, 2013, I filed complaint against Sean Boushie with Gmail and Missoula Montana officials. Sean Boushie was copied on this cease and desist. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 53.]
  57. On February 15, 2013, Sean Boushie says he plans to shove a warrant up my ass. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 54.]
  58. On February 16, 2013, Sean Boushie harasses and cyberstalks me calling me a coward and a psycho. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 55.]
  59. On February 16, 2013, Sean Boushie continues to impersonate people and steal their identity — me this time. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 56.]
  60. On February 25, 2013, I filed Criminal Complaints against 37 Cyberstalkers, including Sean Boushie. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 57.]
  61. On February 27, 2013, Sean Boushie publishes that I am a sociopath and a liar, neither of which is true. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 58.]
  62. On February 28, 2013, Sean Boushie cyberstalks me with Facebook Messages. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 59.]
  63. On March 6, 2013, I requested corrections and retractions to defamation, libel, and slander by Sean Boushie. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 60.]
  64. On March 6, 2013, Sean Boushie cyberstalks me by requesting that he be added as my “Friend” on Facebook. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 61.]
  65. On March 6, 2013, I published Cease and Desist Notice for Sean Boushie and others. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 62.]
  66. On March 6, 2013, Sean Boushie responds to Cease and Desist Notices from me by publishing that I should stick them up my ass. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 63.]
  67. On March 8, 2013, Sean Boushie continues cyberstalking me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 64.]
  68. On March 9, 2013, Sean Boushie threatens to run over me with a Mack truck. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 65.]
  69. On March 9, 2013, Cyberstalker Sean Boushie posts on my site using the fictional CrystalCox VictimsGroup as his identity. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 66.]
  70. On March 11, 2013, Sean Boushie has used a Big Knife as his image on Facebook. I view this as another death threat. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 67.]
  71. On March 11, 2013, Sean Boushie stalks and harasses Mary Deneen by falsely claiming there is a warrant for her for trying to kill her children.  Mary doesn’t know Sean Boushie; she is simply one of the people who I filmed for my movie that Sean Boushie chose to cyber-stalk and threaten. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 68.]
  72. On March 12, 2013, I filed Criminal Warrant Application against Sean Boushie. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 69.]
  73. On March 12, 2013, Sean Boushie published false claim that I created a Facebook page for my deceased father. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 70.]
  74. On March 18, 2013, Sean Boushie using alias John Smith cyberstalks me with a Facebook Friend Request. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 71.]
  75. On March 18, 2013, Sean Boushie published that I should suck his balls. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 72.]
  76. On March 21, 2013, Sean Boushie published that I am a fraud, a con artist, and a liar — all false. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 73.]
  77. On March 21, 2013, Sean Boushie published that my wife (now ex-wife) and I are going to jail. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 74.]
  78. On March 21, 2013, Sean Boushie publishes that I am psychotic, and he announces that he will be Allie Overstreet’s bodyguard when I am in Missouri. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 75.]
  79. On March 26, 2013, Sean Boushie is believed to be involved in setting up fake Facebook page for my deceased father. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 76.]
  80. On March 28, 2013, Sean Boushie posts that I need to go fuck myself, and more. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 77.]
  81. On April 1, 2013, I received an email from — from Sean Boushie’s IP Address. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 78.]
  82. On April 1, 2013, Sean Boushie published an obscene message using a fake identity – Billyisanasshole. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 79.]
  83. On April 2, 2013, Sean Boushie of the University of Montana sends emails to me from [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 80.]
  84. On April 5, 2013, Sean Boushie emailed me to say he has a warrant waiting for me in Missoula. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 81.]
  85. On April 7, 2013, Facebook posts in the name of Sean Boushie libel me and threaten me with murder. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 82.]
  86. On April 9, 2013, identity theft of “Crystal Cox” used for stalking and harassment on my Facebook Page. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 83.]
  87. On April 10, 2013, Sean Boushie falsely said I had herpes and was cheating on my wife. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 84.]
  88. On April 18, 2013, a photo of my father from his death bed is published claiming he is having phone sex with his deceased wife. I believe Sean Boushie was involved in publishing this. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 85.]
  89. On April 28, 2013, I announced that I had lost almost everything – Sean Boushie terrorized my family. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 86.]
  90. On May 9, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyberstalk me with more Facebook “Friend” requests. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 87.]
  91. On May 12, 2013, Sean Boushie posted on the Lawless America Mississippi Facebook page that he predicts it is just a matter of time before I am murdered. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 88.]
  92. On May 12, 2013, Sean Boushie offered a reward for my murder.  [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 89.]
  93. On May 13, 2013, a Facebook page was set up in the name of John Brown to cyber-stalk me.  John Brown is a Sean Boushie alias. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 90.]
  94. On May 13, 2013, the Sean Boushie Facebook account added knife as the image and claimed my home address as his location. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 91.]
  95. On May 13, 2013, Sean Boushie published that I will not survive my current movie filming trip. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 92.]
  96. On May 13, 2013, online posts libel and threaten me using the name Sean Boushie and the knife photo that he has used in prior posts. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 93.]
  97. On May 21, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyberstalk me with even more Facebook “Friend” requests.  He regularly makes these requests as harassment. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 94.]
  98. On June 1, 2013, Sean Boushie libeled me by posting online that I am a pedophile. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 95.]
  99. On June 1, 2013, Psychopath – Sean Boushie libeled me by publishing that I am a psychopath. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 96.]
  100. On June 1, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyberstalk me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 97.]
  101. On June 5, 2013, Sean Boushie is believed to have been involved in setting up a fake Facebook page for my deceased mother. It shows what is allegedly her skeleton wearing a wig.  My mother died of breast cancer 35 years ago, and she was one of the sweetest, kindest women who ever lived, and now her memory has been desecrated online. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 98.]
  102. On June 14, 2013, Sean Boushie offered a reward if I am sent to the morgue in Arizona. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.]
  103. On June 14, 2013, Sean Boushie declared war on me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 100.]
  104. On June 14, 2013, Sean Boushie libeled me by publishing that I am a liar and falsify information. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 101.]
  105. On June 19, 2013, Sean Boushie published criminal defamation of me on CraigsList. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 102.]
  106. On June 20, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to stalk and harass me and stole my identity. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 103.]
  107. On June 21, 2013, Sean Boushie posted a Scam Alert on Craigslist in which he libels, defames, slanders, harasses, and stalks me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 104.]
  108. On June 22, 2013, my Lawless America Facebook Page was removed by Facebook.  I believe this is the work of Sean Boushie.  [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 105.]
  109. On June 25, 2013, Sean Boushie is believed to have set up a fake Facebook page in the name of Bill Windsor + e. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 106.]
  110. On June 29, 2013, Sean Boushie emailed me with another death threat.  [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 107.]
  111. On June 30, 2013, Sean Boushie emailed me to call me “a little dicked coward.” [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 108.]
  112. On June 30, 2013, Sean Boushie continues to cyberstalk me – called me a fatass and says mys ex-wife is having a ball without me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 109.]
  113. On July 2, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyberstalk, harass, and threaten me.  And he does it with a stolen identity — pretending to be me with an e on the end of the Windsor. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 110.]
  114. On July 2, 2013, Sean Boushie wrote to me: Fuck you asshole. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit111.]
  115. On July 3, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to stalk and harass me with “fuck you” profanity. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 112.]
  116. On July 3, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to stalk, harass, and threaten me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 113.]
  117. On July 3, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to stalk, harass, and threaten me, and he continues to send obscene emails. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 114.]
  118. On July 3, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyberstalk, harass, and taunt me.  Sean Boushie pretends to be me in his emails now. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 115.]
  119. On July 3, 2013, a United Kingdom (England) publication runs story about Sean Boushie offering a reward for my murder. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 116.]
  120. On July 4, 2013, Sean Boushie continued his cybertsalking, harassment, and threats to me: “fuck you dipshit.” [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 117.]
  121. On July 5, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyberstalk and harass me with a claim of “felony intimidation.” [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 118.]
  122. On July 5, 2013, Sean Boushie stole my identity and sent harassing email to Crystal Cox, another of his cyberstalking victims. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 119.]
  123. On July 5, 2013, Sean Boushie emailed me using two stolen identities.  In this email, Sean Boushie uses the stolen identity of Bill Windsor as the sender, and he shows the message to be from Crystal Cox. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 120.]
  124. On July 7, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyber stalk and harass me calling me “Fatass.” “Low life worthless stalking fuck.”  [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 121.]
  125. On July 9, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyber-stalk me claiming I will go to jail in Missouri. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 122.]
  126. On July 12, 2013, Sean Boushie cyber-stalked me emailing that I am going to prison where I will be fucked in the ass. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 123.]
  127. On July 21, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyber-stalk me with harassing private communications. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 124.]
  128. On July 21, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyber-stalk and commit crimes against me. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 125.]
  129. On July 22, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyber-stalk and harass me.  [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 126.]
  130. On August 2, 2013, Sean Boushie continued to cyber-stalk me calling me a lying asshole. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 127.]
  131. On August 4, 2013, Sean Boushie claims he missed and shot the car next to me on the Interstate near Billings Montana on August 4, 2013. [A true and correct copy of this is attached hereto as Exhibit 128.]
  132. I received all of the emails attached hereto as exhibits.  I traced the IP addresses on many to IP addresses known by me and others to be used by Sean Boushie.  I personally printed off the online statements published by Sean Boushie.
  133. These are just SOME of the incidents of stalking.  It has taken me days just to organize this.  Sean Boushie has published things repeatedly on other websites, but there is so much that it might take me a month to pull all of it together.


I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this 8th day of August 2013.


William M. Windsor

This was notarized.

Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-128 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-127 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-126 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-125 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-124 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-123 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-122 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-121 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-120 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-119 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-118 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-117 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-116 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-115 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-114 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-113 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-112 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-111 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-110 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-109 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-108 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-107 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-106 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-105 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-104 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-103 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-102 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-101 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-100 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-099 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-098 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-097 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-096 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-095 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-094 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-093 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-092 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-091 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-090 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-089 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-088 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-087 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-086 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-085 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-084 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-083 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-082 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-081 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-080 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-079 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-077 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-076 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-075 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-074 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-073 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-072 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-071 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-070 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-069 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-068 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-067 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-066 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-065 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-064 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-063 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-062 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-061 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-060 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-059 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-058 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-057 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-056 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-055 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-054 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-053 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-052 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-051 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-050 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-049 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-048 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-047 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-046 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-045 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-044 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-043 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-042 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-041 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-040 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-039 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-038 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-037 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-036 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-035 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-034 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-033 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-032 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-031 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-030 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-029 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-028 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-027 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-026 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-025 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-024 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-023 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-022 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-021 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-020 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-019 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-018 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-017 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-016 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-015 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-014 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-013 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-012 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-011 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-010 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-009 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-008 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-007 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-006 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-005 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-004 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-003 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-002 Sean-Boushie-Exhibit-001

Ravalli County Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey issued a totally bogus order in response to Bill Windsor’s Petition for a Protective Order against Sean Boushie

Ravalli County Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey issued a totally bogus order in response to Bill Windsor’s Petition for a Protective Order against Sean Boushie.

On August 6, 2013, I filed a SWORN PETITION FOR TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION AND REQUEST FOR A HEARING (“SWORN PETITION”) with the Ravalli County Montana Justice Court.



Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey denied the SWORN PETITION claiming “(1) In order to grant a restraining order, the Court must find that the applicant is in imminent danger of harm. The information in your application did not meet that criteria. (2) If you have no relationship to the Respondent, then the Statutes require that you must be a victim of assault, stalking, incest, sexual assault, or sexual intercourse without your consent.  The information provided in your application did not meet that criteria.”  CV-2013-810-Ravalli-County-Justice-Court-Order-2013-08-06

Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey did not properly consider the evidence presented.  Well, truth be told, I don’t believe Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey ever looked at the evidence.  This became quite apparent from subsequent events.  I am now well aware that Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey is a corrupt “judge.”

Bill Windsor files a Petition for an Order of Protection against Sean Boushie in the Ravalli County Justice Court

Bill Windsor filed a Petition for an Order of Protection in the Ravalli County Justice Court on August 6, 2013.

Prior to filing, I visited the Montana Victims’ Advocate Office to have my standard Montana forms checked to be sure they were complete and properly prepared.

The Petition (pdf linked below) was a slam dunk.  It had to be approved because I more than met the requirements under two separate statutes.

The clerk had me swear, and she notarized my Petition.  It was then submitted to Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey.

I sat and waited for the order to come.



Bill Windsor files additional criminal charges against Sean Boushie

Bill Windsor has prepared additional criminal charges to be filed on August 6, 2013 against Sean Boushie.

Today, I was presented with additional criminal charges that I should consider filing against Sean Boushie.  After reviewing a list that was sent to me, I will be presenting criminal charges for Aggravated Assault, Assault with a Weapon, Negligent Endangerment, and Intimidation to go along with the criminal charges that I have already filed.

45-5-202. Aggravated assault. (1) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault if the person purposely or knowingly causes serious bodily injury to another or purposely or knowingly, with the use of physical force or contact, causes reasonable apprehension of serious bodily injury or death in another.
(2) A person convicted of aggravated assault shall be imprisoned in the state prison for a term not to exceed 20 years and may be fined not more than $50,000, except as provided in 46-18-219 and 46-18-222

45-5-213. Assault with weapon. (1) A person commits the offense of assault with a weapon if the person purposely or knowingly causes:
(a) bodily injury to another with a weapon; or
(b) reasonable apprehension of serious bodily injury in another by use of a weapon or what reasonably appears to be a weapon.
(2) (a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2)(b), a person convicted of assault with a weapon shall be imprisoned in the state prison for a term not to exceed 20 years or be fined not more than $50,000, or both.

45-5-208. Negligent endangerment — penalty. (1) A person who negligently engages in conduct that creates a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to another commits the offense of negligent endangerment.
(2) A person convicted of the offense of negligent endangerment shall be fined an amount not to exceed $1,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for a term not to exceed 1 year, or both.

45-5-203. Intimidation. (1) A person commits the offense of intimidation when, with the purpose to cause another to perform or to omit the performance of any act, the person communicates to another, under circumstances that reasonably tend to produce a fear that it will be carried out, a threat to perform without lawful authority any of the following acts:
(a) inflict physical harm on the person threatened or any other person;
(b) subject any person to physical confinement or restraint; or
(c) commit any felony.
(2) A person commits the offense of intimidation if the person knowingly communicates a threat or false report of a pending fire, explosion, or disaster that would endanger life or property.
(3) A person convicted of the offense of intimidation shall be imprisoned in the state prison for any term not to exceed 10 years or be fined an amount not to exceed $50,000, or both.

Many of the things that Sean Boushie has done fall into these criminal categories.